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The Burp Extension No One Told You About

Some time last year, I came across a Burp extension on Github that replicates the Invoke Applications functionality from OWASP ZAP in Burp. Since discovering this extension, it has become a very big part of my Burp workflow and probably one of the first extensions that I install on Burp. Surprisingly, I haven't seen anyone else using this extension and the Github project seems rather unknown to most people as well. The extension I am talking about is " burp-send-to " by "bytebutcher".  PS: I couldn't find the original author of the extension on Twitter, if you know "bytebutcher", please reach out to me so that I can say thank you for their work on this and update their contact info.  Bytebutcher contacted me via email :) Follow him on twitter and keep an eye for more awesome projects on his Github Lets see what this extension is all about! Core Idea If you use BurpSuite regularly, you are probably familiar with sending requests from one tool to ...
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